Effie Gray - Paul Cantelon |
4/15/15 |
What You Will Hear: Gentle piano and chamber orchestra.
Standout Tracks: Prologue, The White Dress Will you be humming the main theme? There is a small theme that begins with a repeated pitch. But, it doesn't last very long or show up often at all. The score this makes me want to dust off: Belle - Rachel Portman Will I come back to it? I'm always fascinated by the compositional line between heart-warming and cheesy. Cantelon passes that test, but fails to create anything of substance after the initial track. While the brighter tracks are certainly pleasing, the darker cues meander without any focus. (It sounds exactly like my random musings anytime I at the piano to search for a new idea - but don't find one...) Beyond the Prologue, Effie Gray contains no distinguishing characteristics. So, while the music is enjoyable, it does not beg for a second listen. |